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Research aim

Our main research aim is to enable comprehensive proteome comparisons using liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS). To accomplish this we develop new strategies and tools for analysis of MS data from different types of workflows. Depending on biological question and sample type, we utilise data-dependent (DDA, shotgun proteomics) , data-independent (DIA, SWATH), as well as targeted (SRM) acquistion methods.

Software development

We have, and are, developing software tools for all these methods, and focus on quantification using label-free strategies. We aim at fine-grained quantification of individual protein variants, and to put the results into a functional context to increase our understanding of biological systems.

We are driving developement of the Proteios Software Environment for management and analysis of proteomics data.  The Proteios applcation is now integrated with a MS data storage workflow developed within the Swedish NBIS infrastructure, and enables integrated quantitative analysis, as well as sharing of data using standards developed by the Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI) of the Human Proteome Organisation (HUPO.

Our team has developed several standalone software tools that are available for download. A list of tools is available at

We are always interested in new collaborative projects in different biological domains.

Fredrik Levander. Portrait.

Associate Professor Fredrik Levander
+46-46 222 38 35

Medicon Village
Building 406
Scheelevägen 2
223 63 LUND

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