
December, 2011
Johan Teleman of the Dept. of Immunotechnology was awarded a price for best MSc thesis in 2011 from the Bo Rydin Foundation for Scientific Research.

October 8, 2015
Sara Ek was appointed professor of Immunotechnology at Lund University. Congratulations!

The Department was granted a 2 year postdoctoral grant for Dr. Helena Persson from the Lund School of Technology.

November 15, 2016
Prof Sara Ek of the Dept. of Immunotechnology was awarded a grant from Cancerfonden for a project entitled Molekylära undersökningar av primära, resistenta och återfallstumörer hos patienter med mantelcellslymfom samt utveckling av kliniska verktyg för behandlingsval.

February 2010
Assoc. Prof. Sara Ek was awarded a grant (1 MSEK) from Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare for a project entitled "Development of therapeutic modalities based on novel transcription factors, including Sox 11".

December 6, 2016
Dr. Sofia Waldemarson was appointed Associate Professor (docent) in Immunotechnology at Lund University.

February, 2010
BioCARE, a center within the Swedish Research Council's effort to support strategic research areas, has been inaugurated. Prof. Carl Borrebaeck, the head of the Dept. of Immunotechnology, is one of 10 principal investigators active within this center. It will focus its activities to the field of biomarkers in cancer medicine.

Dr. Christer Wingren received a grant from Vinnova to develop a microchip technology platform for cancer diagnosis.

October 9, 2015
Rogosin Institute (New York, NY, USA) has signed an agreement with MAD for Cancer, a program headed by Prof. Carl Borrebaeck of the Dept. of Immuntechnology, to fund research Prof. Peter James of the Dept. of Immunotechnology.

November 13, 2008
The Department was granted support for a research project by the Swedish Cancer SocietySara Ek: Evaluation of Sox11 as therapeutic target in B cell lymphomas and analysis of its functional properties in malignant cells.