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9 June 2021

Professor Sara Ek has received 1.2 MSEK in support from LTH to participate in the LU Agenda 2030 research school with the project “ Deepened understanding of the connection between symptoms, psychological resilience and molecular factors in patients with chronic skin cancer” . The project is connected to an ongoing clinical trial, BIO-MUSE, headed [...]

9 June 2021

Professor Sara Ek has received 1.2 MSEK in support from LTH to participate in the LU Agenda 2030 research school with the project “ Deepened understanding of the connection between symptoms, psychological resilience and molecular factors in patients with chronic skin cancer” . The project is connected to an ongoing clinical trial, BIO-MUSE, headed [...]

26 May 2021

The parties have signed a 5-year collaboration agreement. Focus will be on recruitment of PhD students to cancer research at Lund University, exchange of physicians within oncology between Skåne University Hospital and TMUCIH, as well as joint research projects. One of the first projects, is led by Prof. Sara Ek and Lecturer Dr Anna Gerdtsson at [...]

26 May 2021

The parties have signed a 5-year collaboration agreement. Focus will be on recruitment of PhD students to cancer research at Lund University, exchange of physicians within oncology between Skåne University Hospital and TMUCIH, as well as joint research projects. One of the first projects, is led by Prof. Sara Ek and Lecturer Dr Anna Gerdtsson at [...]

9 February 2021

Nature Methods has crowned spatially resolved transcriptomics Method of the Year 2020. In conjunction to that, Spatialomics@LU was featured on the LTH website.

4 November 2020

Doctor Magnus Jakobsson has received a 2 million SEK grant from Mats Paulsson’s Research, Innovation and Societal Development fund for the development of new diagnostics for ovarian cancer. The study aims at developing a new serological test for improved diagnostics of ovarian cancer and involves a multi-layered proteomics approach enabled by the [...]

29 October 2020

Doctor Anna Sandström Gerdtsson has received 2 million SEK from the Cancera foundation for Spatial analysis of immune infiltration for individualized treatment of ovarian cancer. The study, which will be one of the first projects of the recently established SpatialOmics@LU facility, will generate a multiplex depiction of the immune environment [...]

23 October 2020

Doctor Magnus Jakobsson will present his work 28.10.2020 on the enzymology and clinical relevance of post‑translational modifications (PTM) of the universally conserved protein Hsp70. His work has uncovered the human enzyme METTL21A (Uniprotein ID: Q8WXB1) as a specific methyltransferase targeting Lys561 in Hsp70 and demonstrated the value of this [...]

16 October 2020

Doctor Kathrin Zeller was 28.8.2020 appointed as Associate Professor in Immunotechnology by the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. Her research focuses on in vitro models to investigate human cellular toxicity caused by various stresses, such as chemicals, chemical mixtures and nanoparticles. Currently, her team evaluates the capacity [...]

23 September 2020

Aastha Sobti, one of the CanFaster Ph.D. students at the Department of Immunotechnology, represents cancer research at the EU online exhibition Science is Wonderful! Her work on tonsil cancer was selected as one of the forty best research projects with EU funding all around the world. The exhibition is part of the European Research and [...]

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